We are changing the trend in packaging waste
management to European standards

EPR in Action


To gain valuable experience, assess the best European practices, determine the necessary level of financial investment, analyze the effectiveness of public communication, and explore methods of interaction with local authorities, UKRPEC has implemented a comprehensive EPR model in specific towns and communities. New progressive methods of packaging waste management based on the European extended producer responsibility model are being implemented in parallel with the restoration of infrastructure affected by armed conflict. The organization and funding of the project were fully undertaken by packaging manufacturers – member companies of UKRPEC: PRJSC Abinbev Efes Ukraine, Danone Dnipro LLC, PrJSC Elopak-Fastiv, Carlsberg Ukraine, Canpack Ukraine LLC, FIE Coca-Cola Beverages Ukraine Ltd., LLC Nestle Ukraine, LLC Sandora (PepsiCo Ukraine), LLC Tetra Pak, LLC Procter & Gamble Ukraine.


UKRPEC has entered into agreements with local authorities, municipal enterprises, waste collection and recycling operators to organize separate collection of waste. Green and yellow containers for packaging waste for glass and other packaging materials have been installed in pilot communities. After the containers are filled, the packaging waste is transported to the sorting station by special vehicles operated by the collection and recycling operator. From the sorting station, the waste is transported to domestic enterprises where new products are produced from them.


Through the communication campaign, the project of separate waste collection managed to engage the absolute majority (up to 90%) of the community residents. According to research, about 40% of packaging waste enters the recycling system. This indicator demonstrates a stable trend of growth each year. UKRPEC has built effective cooperation with all participants of the EPR system. Local authorities have recognized the benefits of the project, including the opportunity to reduce costs associated with household waste removal. Significant reductions in waste disposal volumes have been achieved. Secondary processing enterprises maintain a high demand for raw materials. The successful implementation of the EPR system in 5 communities confirms its potential and effectiveness in the socio-economic context of Ukraine.

Prerequisites for the Success of EPR in Ukraine

The Framework Law on Waste is adopted

Specialized Law on Packaging Waste is being considered by the Parliament

Non-profit status of EPR organizations

Рамковий закон про відходи на принципах – прийнятий.

Починати з невисоких цільових показників і дати час для становлення системи РВВ.

Спеціалізований закон про відходи упаковки – на розгляді у Парламенті.

Заборона на монополію комунальних підприємств.

Неприбутковий статус організацій РВВ.

Членство у організаціях РВВ тільки для виробників товарів в упаковці.

Відсутність податку на упаковку як альтернативи РВВ.

Невелика кількість, а то і одна організація РВВ в країні у сфері упаковки.