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На  «Економічній правді» опублікована вже друга авторська колонка голови виконавчого комітету УКРПЕК Володимира Слабого

The second op-ed by Volodymyr Slabyi, Chairman of the Executive Committee of UKRPEC, has been published in Ekonomichna Pravda

A new op-ed by Volodymyr Slabyi, Chairman of the Executive Committee of UKRPEC, on the website of Ekonomichna Pravda is dedicated to the management of commercial and industrial packaging waste.

Volodymyr Slabyi talks about his participation in the seminar ‘EPR schemes for commercial and industrial packaging: the future has begun!’, which took place in Brussels. The author analyses the changes in EU legislation, in particular the requirement for member states to establish a producer responsibility scheme for all categories of packaging by the end of 2024. The article explains in detail why this approach to managing commercial and industrial packaging waste is the most effective and how Ukraine should harmonize its legislation with the European one.

This is the second article written by the Chairman of the Executive Committee of the Ukrainian Fuel and Energy Complex published by the publication. In his first op-ed, which was published in April, Volodymyr Slabyi shares his warnings about the process of drafting the Law of Ukraine ‘On Packaging and Packaging Waste’, which is currently under consideration by Ukrainian Parliament. The author also explains the risks that the fragmentation of the packaging waste management market in Ukraine may create and why lawmakers should not set too high recycling targets at the initial stage of the reform.

Volodymyr Slabyi’s op-ed for Ekonomichna Pravda is an important source of information for the public on the most controversial issues of packaging waste management reform in Ukraine, including the development of sectoral legislation.

UKRPEC is ready to share its expertise on global experience and the most successful mechanisms for implementing circular economy principles with all stakeholders.
