We are changing the trend in packaging waste
management to European standards


he Ukrainian Packaging and Ecological Coalition (UKRPEC) is a non-profit association of globally recognized manufacturers of packaging and goods in packaging founded in 1999. UKRPEC members have united their efforts, resources, and extensive international experience to support the development of an effective waste management system for packaging at both state and municipal levels in Ukraine. The goal of UKRPEC is to harmonize Ukrainian legislation in the field of packaging waste management with EU standards and to offer guidance on the creation of an appropriate regulatory framework in Ukraine. The principles of sustainable development, waste hierarchy, circular economy, and extended producer responsibility underpin the Coalition’s activities.

Українська Пакувально-Екологічна Коаліція (УКРПЕК) – це неприбуткове об’єднання всесвітньовідомих виробників упаковки і товарів в упаковці, яке було створене у 1999 році.
Українська Пакувально-Екологічна Коаліція (УКРПЕК) – це неприбуткове об’єднання всесвітньовідомих виробників упаковки і товарів в упаковці, яке було створене у 1999 році.

Our Mission

To change the trend in packaging waste management to European

To unite packaging and goods manufacturers, waste management companies, packaging recyclers, and local government bodies in cooperation, where each participant has a clear understanding of their role, opportunities for growth and development, contribution to balanced and harmonious coexistence of humans with the natural environment without pollution, without excessive social costs, without corruption, without ecological disasters and epidemics; for the sake of improving the quality of life of people, enhancing public health, increasing biodiversity, and the shared future of humanity.

Develop the packaging industry and its new technologies to enhance product safety and utility for consumers, especially for food products.

Contribute to increasing the recycling of packaging materials into new goods and resources, thereby reducing environmental pollution from waste.

Influence the eradication of negative stereotypes about packaging and promote eco-design practices within the packaging industry.

Popularize the separate collection of packaging waste and support communities implementing this practice.

Learn from the mistakes made by early adopter countries in implementing extended producer responsibility programs to avoid similar pitfalls.

Introduce and pilot new innovative practices for separate packaging collection and recycling in cooperation with local governments, regulators, and recycling organizations.

Українська Пакувально-Екологічна Коаліція (УКРПЕК) – це неприбуткове об’єднання всесвітньовідомих виробників упаковки і товарів в упаковці, яке було створене у 1999 році.


Elevate Ukraine to European standards in packaging waste management through the principles of circular economy and extended producer responsibility. Establish one of the most powerful innovative and efficient organizations of extended producer responsibility in the packaging industry, setting an example for countries undergoing waste management reforms.

UKRPEC Members

UKRPEC is open to collaboration with all representatives of responsible business.

As of April 2024, the members of UKRPEC are:

Authorized representatives of the Coalition

Сергій Макаренко

Volodymyr Slabyi

Head of the Executive Committee of UKRPEC

Володимир Слабий

Andriy Bublyk

First Deputy Head of the Executive Committee

Андрій Бублик

Serhii Makarenko

Deputy Head of the Executive Committee

Interested in becoming a member of the Coalition?

News and Statements

Воркшоп УКРПЕК

UKRPEK organized a workshop and educational activities about separate waste collection in the Irpin community

The workshop recently took place to mark the launch of the pilot project for packaging waste management based on the EPR principles in the Irpin territorial community. It provided an excellent opportunity for exchanging experiences and future visions regarding separate waste collection among various involved parties: local government representatives, leaders of homeowners associations (HOAs), housing and communal services, community residents, and others.


EPR in Action: Pilot Project

To gain valuable experience, assess the best European practices, determine the necessary level of financial investment, analyze the effectiveness of public communication, and explore methods of interaction with local authorities, UKRPEC has implemented a comprehensive EPR model in specific towns and communities. First introduced in Vyshhorod in 2017, the pilot project has recently been scaled to include the communities of Bucha, Irpin, Hostomel, and Kotsiubynske in the Kyiv region. Alongside the reconstruction of infrastructure damaged by wartime activities, innovative waste management methods based on the European Extended Producer Responsibility (EPR) model are being implemented. The project’s funding is entirely provided by packaging manufacturers – member companies of UKRPEC.


For inquiries regarding collaboration and membership, please contact the Coalition’s central office.