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В Бучі стартувала система роздільного збирання відходів упаковки

In Bucha has been launched a separate packaging waste collection system.

The pilot project in Bucha is designed to demonstrate the effectiveness of European standards and practices for packaging waste management in Ukrainian conditions, which should form the basis for future legislation.

A system for separate collection of packaging waste has been presented in the Bucha community.

The event was held at the Bucha City Council with the participation of Mayor Anatolii Fedoruk, Head of the UKRPEC Volodymyr Slabyi, and Founder of the Specialized Ecological Company “Rada” Petro Semko.

Separate collection is a standard approach to waste management in EU countries. It enables recycling, which means reusing materials from packaging. This system helps minimize environmental pollution and allows for more efficient use of natural resources.

Separate collection of packaging waste is an important element of the Extended Producer Responsibility (EPR) concept, which is to be introduced in Ukraine soon, as required by the EU-Ukraine Association Agreement. As a reminder, Verkhovna Rada is currently considering the draft law “On Packaging and Packaging Waste”, which provides for the implementation of the relevant reform.

The pilot project in Bucha is designed to demonstrate the effectiveness of European standards and practices for packaging waste management in Ukrainian conditions, which should form the basis for future legislation. A total of 198 containers for separate collection of packaging waste have already been installed at 93 sites within the Bucha community. Additionally, a system for the collection, sorting, and transfer of waste to domestic recycling enterprises has been created, where it is used as a valuable resource for the production of new products.

The project is fully funded by the member companies of the Ukrainian Packaging and Environmental Coalition (UKRPEC) – well-known manufacturers of packaging and goods in packaging (PRJSC Abinbev Efes Ukraine, Danone Dnipro LLC, PrJSC Elopak-Fastiv, Carlsberg Ukraine, Canpack Ukraine LLC, FIE Coca-Cola Beverages Ukraine Ltd., LLC Nestle Ukraine, LLC Sandora (PepsiCo Ukraine), LLC Tetra Pak, LLC Procter & Gamble Ukraine).

According to Volodymyr Slabyi, Head of the UKRPEC, the organizers are not going to stop there. “We strive to develop the infrastructure for separate collection of packaging waste in Bucha. We hope to increase the number of containers to 400 by the end of the year. This depends, among other things, on how actively Bucha residents fill them. Informational and educational work is very important. To build effective communication with the community, we are reaching out to condominium associations, and schools, distributing printed materials, and planning to participate in mass events held in the city. Our goal is also to increase the number of partner companies and attract additional investments. Bucha is a successful case that proves the feasibility of implementing European waste management standards in domestic legislation,” emphasizes Volodymyr Slabyi.

According to research, each of the 72,000 residents of the Bucha community produces an average of 250 kilograms of domestic waste annually. Of this, up to 30% by weight and up to 50-55% by volume are packaging waste. Therefore, if Bucha residents actively support the initiative, half of all domestic waste will avoid landfills and be used as secondary raw materials.

As the Mayor of Bucha, Anatoliy Fedoruk admits, the project of separate collection and recycling of packaging waste is a real “gift” for the community. “Our goal is a comprehensive approach to managing all solid domestic waste, and packaging waste managing is an important step in this direction. I am convinced that Bucha should set an example of civilized waste management. Additionally, there is a shortage of landfills for waste burial in the Kyiv region – sometimes waste has to be transported 50 or even 100 kilometers. Therefore, sorting and recycling are our priorities. As a member of the Board of the Association of Ukrainian Cities, I plan to initiate discussions with representatives of local self-government on the draft law ‘On Packaging and Packaging Waste.’ I am convinced that its adoption by the parliament as soon as possible serves the interests of all parties involved. We need to find a compromise solution that satisfies both producers, recycling enterprises, and local self-government,” Anatolii Fedoruk believes.

After the presentation, the participants of the event visited the sorting line of the Specialized Ecological Company “Rada”, located in Bucha, where packaging waste is further sorted and prepared for further recycling.
